2024 Congress Agenda

Agenda For 2024 Buried Asset Management Congress

This agenda is subject to on-going tweaks as we synergize, refine and improve your congress experience

Thursday, 14th November 2024

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Registration open and Exhibit table set up
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm | Board of Directors/committee meetings
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Kickoff reception event

Friday, 15th November 2024

8:30 am - 9:00 am | Welcome
  • Tom Iseley, BAMI-I/Purdue University
  • Wei Liao, BAMI-I/Purdue University
9:00 am - 9:30 am | Presentation: Funding the Future: Appropriate Rate Increases for Spindale, NC - By Glenn Barnes, Associate Director/Research Professor, Water Finance Assistance Program

Spindale, NC operates a wastewater utility serving roughly 7,500 people. The town updated its asset management plan last year that included a rate study. The study determined that Spindale’s current rates would not be sufficient to cover its future operating and capital expenses and that a rate increase would be needed. This session will identify the challenging demographics of Spindale’s customer base. The session will also describe the data analysis behind the rate study and will discuss how affordability concerns informed the town’s new rates. The session will finally explore how regionalization and infrastructure funding opportunities could be key to the financial future of the utility.

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9:30 am - 10:00 am | Presentation: Spindale Wastewater Collection, Conveyance, and Treatment System Asset Management Plan Update 2024 By Kurt Wright, SDG Engineering, Inc

The first Asset Management Plan (AMP) for the Town of Spindale, North Carolina, Wastewater Collection, Conveyance, and Treatment System was prepared by SDG Engineering, Inc. in 2012. (The SDG Engineering, Inc. name at that time was Kurt D. Wright & Associates, Inc.) The Spindale AMP was submitted to the Town of Spindale and the funding agency, the North Carolina Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI), under the Department of Environmental Quality. It was approved by DWI in 2013. At the time of DWI’s approval, the reviewer stated that it was the best AMP of all fifty that had been submitted that year. Kurt attributes this accolade in part to his involvement in the Buried Asset Management Infrastructure – International (BAMI-I). During the development of the Spindale AMP in 2012, Kurt joined the BAMI-I organization and assisted them with the development of CTAM-200, Developing an Asset Management Plan. SDG Engineering updated and revised the Spindale AMP this year. Glenn Barnes, with Water Finance Assistance, was a member of the SDG Engineering Team developing the Spindale AMP. Glenn conducted the Rate Analysis component of the AMP. Together, Kurt and Glenn presented several options to the Spindale Board of Commissioners as to how they could establish the Enterprise Fund for the Spindale Wastewater Collection, Conveyance, and Treatment System on a sound financial footing. This presentation focuses on the many challenges associated with the rate analysis component of the Spindale AMP Update. 

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10:00 am - 10:30 am | Break
10:30 am - 11:00 am | Presentation: Why Are We Still Talking About I/I? – Answers From Statewide Studies -----By George Kurz, Sewer Capacity Management

The only statewide study of I/I shows that leakage is getting worse since 2016. Last year, EPA estimated that the cost nationally to correct I/I related problems in sewers has increased by a third since 2012: to $12.64 billion. A simple, open-source Excel spreadsheet tool will be described for use by wastewater system operators. They can use daily data that they already collect for determining the level of I/I and RDI/I in their collection system and evaluate the effectiveness of sewer rehabilitation work. An operator can analyze a year’s data in 20 minutes. New examples will be included.

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11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Panel 1: Water and Wastewater Asset Management in The US


  • Heather Himmelberger, P.E.Director, Southwest Environmental Finance Center, University of New Mexico


  • John W. Tuggle PE PSExecutive Director, Region 4 Planning and Development Council, Summersville, WV
  • Irene McSweeney, PE, Director of Construction, Chief of Operations and Chief of Special Operations, Boston Water and Sewer Commission
  • Calvin D. Clifton, Business Development & Recruiting Manager, Mattern & Craig, Inc., Offices in TN/VA/NC/SC

This panel will delve into the landscape of water and wastewater asset management across different states, highlighting both the challenges and opportunities. We will discuss diverse practices, emerging technologies, and strategies that are shaping the way utilities manage infrastructure, particularly focusing on resilience, regulatory compliance, and financial sustainability.

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12:00 pm - 1:30 pm | Lunch and Keynote Speech - Dr. Olugbenga Ibikunle

Dr. Olugbenga Ibikunle, Co-Founder | Managing Principal | Author/Speaker | Teacher | Motivational Speaker | Mentor, Avodahtec

Attendees of Dr. Ibikunle’s keynote can expect to:

  • Gain valuable insights into asset lifecycle management, risk management, and sustainability.
  • Be inspired by his motivational approach and dedication to the water industry.
  • Learn about the latest advancements in trenchless technology and condition assessment methodologies.
  • Connect with a global leader who is shaping the future of water infrastructure.


Dr. Ibikunle is one of the industry’s passionate leaders in water infrastructure practices, handling projects across North America and beyond. His 17 years of experience in the academia and industry includes water and wastewater conveyance systems engineering practices, pipeline trenchless rehabilitation and construction practices, development and application of new condition assessment methodologies for buried linear assets (pressure pipes, large-diameter gravity sewers, and other hydraulic structures), as well as asset and infrastructure management practices. He is a cross-border certified Asset Management (AM) professional and Certified Reliability Leader of the Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP). He has practical understanding and experience in AM & Optimization, AM Planning, AM Policy, AM Strategy, Asset & Workforce Management, Business Case Creation, Contractor and Supplier Management, Investment Decision Making, Physical Asset Management, Risk Management, and Asset Life Cycle Management. 

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1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Presentation: The Infinity Loop of Asset Management: Looking Back to Go Forward By Heather Himmelberger & Ross Waugh

Heather Himmelberger, Southwest Environmental Finance Center, University of New Mexico

Ross Waugh, Waugh Infrastructure Management

2:30 pm - 3:00 pm | Presentation: Implementing Advanced Technologies and Asset Management to Help Prioritize and Rehabilitate Critical Pressurized Pipeline Infrastructure -----By Mark Wade, BlueWater Solutions Group, Inc.

The condition of pressurized pipeline (both water and wastewater) has been insignificant decline since the mid-1970s. It’s getting worse by the decade. Solutions are needed sooner-than-later!This presentation will give a brief overview of these needs and advanced tools and technologies available to cost-effectively renew these systems. It will also include an overview of how asset management, using a risk-based modeling approach, can be used to select those assets which are highest in priority for renewal and rehabilitation. Mark Wade, BlueWater Solutions Group, Inc.


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3:00 pm - 3:30 pm | Break
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm | Presentation: The challenges and benefits of utility research collaborations -----By John Norton, Jr, Great Lake Authority

In this presentation, Dr. John Norton will discuss the unique challenges and significant benefits of collaborative research initiatives in the utility sector. By leveraging partnerships between utilities, academia, and industry, these collaborations can drive innovation, improve service delivery, and address critical issues such as water quality, operational efficiency, and infrastructure resilience. Attendees will gain insights into the best practices for fostering successful collaborations and how these efforts contribute to more sustainable and effective utility management.

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4:00 pm - 5:00 pm | Panel 2: Energy Decarbonization Solutions - BrainDrip LLC

 Moderator: John Norton, Great Lake Authority


  • Mike Peters, Member and Team Principal, IQ4H2
  • Cory Kreutzer, Member and Technical Director, IQ4H2
  • Savanna Speciale, Principal, Carbon Solutions, LLC
  • Greg Zoeller,  VP of External Affairs,  Wabash Valley Resources

This panel will explore innovative solutions for energy decarbonization, focusing on transitioning to cleaner energy sources, improving efficiency, and reducing carbon emissions. Key topics include the repurposing of existing pipelines for faster, safer, and more cost-effective infrastructure adaptation, and the role of asset management in modernizing both underground and above-ground systems like pipelines and grids. Additionally, we will delve into the Health and Risk Monitoring System for Buried Asset Management, which plays a crucial role in ensuring the longevity and safety of critical infrastructure, while minimizing environmental impact. The panel will also discuss cross-industry collaboration and long-term sustainability, addressing how sectors can work together to support a low-carbon future. Challenges such as opposition to combustion-based solutions will also be addressed.

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Saturday, 16th November 2024

8:30 am - 9:00 am | Presentation: Advancing Better Water Policy and Strategies: Development of the Indiana Water Summit By Bill Blomquist & Jill Hoffmann, White River Alliance

Bill Blomquist & Jill Hoffmann, White River Alliance

The Indiana Water Summit is distinctive in three principal ways: its breadth of topics, diversity of audience, and ongoing emphasis on moving from thoughtful discussion to constructive action. The Summit stands alone as a statewide event that draws interested citizens, public officials, and water professionals together. Since its inception, the Summit has grown in attendance, scope, and activity. A Water Summit Working Group now meets bimonthly to take a deeper dive into issues raised during the Summit, to learn more (from within Indiana and beyond) about what’s possible and promising, and to strategize about promoting positive change.

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9:00 am - 9:30 am | Presentation: Unique Asset Management Challenges in Campus-Type Facilities -----By Jim Ansapch, Affiliate Assistant Professor, Iowa State University

 Campus-type facilities have unique asset management issues. Campuses consist of varied types of utilities, not always located in a typical configuration due to expansion or repurposing of buildings over time, and constrained budgets. Most utility asset managers are well versed in one type of utility system, but campuses may require expertise or knowledge in potable water, fire water, gas, steam, telecommunications, electric, drainage, sewer, irrigation, and sometimes more exotic ones. However, the basic concepts of an asset management system are universal. Knowledge of what utilities exist, their characteristics, location, condition, and interdependencies are standard management issues. 

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10:00 am - 10:30 am | Break
9:30 am - 10:00 am | Presentation: Predictive Modeling and User Rates - Goshen's Lead Service Line Inventory and Replacement Plan By Boston Snyder, IN-

Goshen will be completing predictive modeling between now and October 2024, to complete our service line inventory. This is being performed in conjunction with an application for State Revolving Funds to complete service line inspections. These inspections will allow us to both reach a 95% confidence in our model and satisfy EPA validation pool requirements under the proposed LCRI.  Goshen has also applied for service line replacement State Revolving Funds where analysis was performed to determine a project scope, projected to begin in November 2024, which maximizes service line replacements, replaces aging utility infrastructure, and does not affect user rates. 

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10:30 am - 11:00 am | Presentation: Balancing the Risks and Rewards of Delivery Methods for Underground and Trenchless Projects -----By Steve Kramer, Senior Vice President, COWI

The underground construction industry is impacted by many risks and challenges.  The linear nature of underground work is different than general construction and methods for recovery due to problems are frequently limited.  The challenges between owners, designers and constructors sometimes feel like they are in conflict. Funding sources are frequently limited, yet demands for projects remain very high across the country.  

Owners want solutions to improve, rehabilitate and build new underground public infrastructure.  We live an environment where better procurement and delivery strategies are needed.  There are many types of delivery methods from conventional to alternative delivery that can be used for projects.  There is a clear shift away from conventional delivery to alternative delivery as the preferred method.  Each method has its advantages and challenges.  There is not a magic solution that works for every project.  

This presentation describes the trends in tunneling/trenchless procurement and delivery being used across the Americas and the world along with insights on how to fairly balance the risks and rewards between the participants.

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11:00 am - 12:00 pm | Panel 3: Asset Management Fundamentals: Mapping, Inventory, and Beyond

Moderator: Ross Waugh, Director, Waugh Infrastructure Management Limited

  • Josh Hawley, Utility Advocate | Solutions Consultant, Ziptility
  • Leticia Eberly, President, LMEC LLC
  • Megan Glover, CoFounder and CEO, 120water

This panel will focus on the foundational aspects of asset management, specifically addressing mapping and asset inventories. As many utility professionals are eager to learn about these topics, we aim to provide an in-depth exploration of best practices and key concepts that are essential to infrastructure management.

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12:00 pm - 12:45 pm | Lunch
12:45 pm - 1:15 pm | Presentation: Strategic Water Audits: Driving Sustainability and Efficiency in Utility Management----By Adam Hershberger, EPA Water Specialist & Chad Reynolds, Water Circuit Rider, Alliance of Indiana Rural Water
1:15 pm - 1:45 pm | Presentation: NC Grant Efficacy Study and Outcomes-----By Matthew Rushing, Project Engineer, North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality &Justin Nolan, Project director, UNC Environmental Finance Center

The presentation revolves around qualitative research conducted by the UNC Environmental Finance Center on behalf of the NC Department of Environmental Quality. The research concerned the efficacy of two programs: the Merger and Regionalization Feasibility Grant and the Asset Inventory Assessment Grant. During the presentation Matthew Rushing, manager of these grants, will cover the context that led to the study. Justin Nolan, one of the researchers involved with the study will then cover the findings revealed by the study and the conclusions the EFC drew. Finally Matthew will discuss what the moves the program has done with the information gathered.

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1:45 pm - 2:15 pm | Presentation: Utilizing New Technologies to Make Better Asset Management Decisions - Michell Beason

Michell Beason, Regional Manager/Principal Engineer, National Plant Services, Inc.

2:15 pm - 2:45 pm | Presentation: The current state of the pipe infrastructure in the USA and Canada from a recent USU study -----By Steven L. Barfuss, Associate Director/Research Professor, Utah State University

Water main break rates are the most important indicator for quantifying failing underground pipelines. For this reason, break rates are a critical factor in asset management decision-making.  This presentation summarizes a recent comprehensive study of water main break rates of common pipe materials performed by Utah State University utilizing input from 802 utilities. The presentation will discuss pipe failure causes, trends and correlations to utility size, pipe age and diameter.  Also included will be information about how pipe materials have been changing over time and how pipe materials are used regionally.

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2:45 pm - 3:00 pm | Break
3:00 pm - 3:30 pm | Presentation: Digital Defense for Hidden Infrastructure and Water Networks-----By Calvin Levy, Chief Technology Officer, Mahjee


This presentation will deliver a strategic overview of cybersecurity, cyber-defense, and cyber-offense for the Water Utility and Buried Asset Management industries, addressing the growing risks and challenges these sectors face. It will emphasize the need for a holistic approach that integrates IT and OT security to safeguard critical infrastructure. Key topics will include the role of advanced technologies, such as AI-driven threat detection and blockchain for secure data management, as well as the importance of compliance frameworks in achieving robust security. The briefing will feature case studies illustrating real-world impacts and lessons learned, including the significant financial consequences of data breaches. Additionally, the discussion will highlight emerging trends, such as ‘Digital Twins’, and address the persistent challenge of securing legacy systems. The goal is to provide conference attendees with actionable insights to strengthen their cybersecurity strategies and ensure the resilience of vital infrastructure and the reduction of life safety risks associated with digital threats and attacks.

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3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Think Tank Discussion


  • Tom Iseley, President, BAMI-I, Professor of Practice, Purdue University
  • Dulcy M. Abraham, Professor and Graduate Chair, Lyles School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University

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